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What our Happy Clients say
Working with Roslyn was an absolute pleasure. She immediately knew what I needed and helped me recognise that I had limiting beliefs about Love that was magnetising unsatisfactory and unwanted relationships into my life. It was a very raw session for me, where I was crying through most of it, and Roslyn just patiently sat by and allowed me to go through it , always sending me love and light.
I felt incredibly safe with her, no judgement what so ever, just patient-loving energy.
It has now been 9 days after that healing session and I am incredibly, incredibly happy to report that I have released something huge, as I no longer feel attracted to the unwanted relationship that I had attracted into my life.
I have a new hope inside of me for a Love of my own, someone sweet and honest and loving and beautiful. I believe that relationships can work, and I am excited to have a person that I can shower all this Love onto.
This is truly the beginning of something beautiful for me, and I would not have been able to get here, without the help of this absolutely wonderfully wise woman. Thank you Roslyn. Sending you so much love.